miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014

Evaluating websites...

Hi again! We have been working in our first practical work and we had to learn how to evaluate different websites according to certain characteristics. I would like to present you with some elements, which must be taken into account when choosing the best website to work with, or just check some basic details that will tell you whether the website you often visit is reliable or not... I also add some pictures from Google.com.

First of all when you enter a website...  you must take into account that the website provides you with the information you´re looking for or if it applies to your purpose...

You also must analize whether this website belongs to a certain organization or is the property of some independent author.
Another thing you can check is the title, specially, if the title corresponds to the same website adress. Check this picture... the name doesn't correspond... maybe some people have created a completely different site and are using this particular name for other purposes, or maybe it is just wrongly written.

Another element you must keep in mind is the reliability of the website... you must look for database, names, address, email, contacts, and the sources of information.
As teachers and students, we must be careful not to rely completely on one single website when we need information, we should not forget books are also useful. Something like this can happen to us as students and in the future, as teachers.

And last, but not least, we have to check whether the website is updated or not, we can find sites being under construction, so we must analize the information before using it...

I hope you are now acquainted with some important details to check as soon as you enter a web page or any site in the internet. Of course, there are other elements... you can contribute now if you want!

See you soon!

2 comentarios:

  1. Good summary to take into consideration when choosing the website to work with. At present, there are many websites that do not provide realiable information and most of the students are not conscious of it since they are not given the instructions of how to check the sites.For this reason, I reckon that it is our responsability as teachers to show them how to select them.
    I guess the second the picture you post shows the results of what I am saying ,very fun indeed!

  2. Thanks for your contribution Facundo! You're right! We should give our students tools and explanation to check their websites before using them! We have learnt a lot doing this! See you!
