domingo, 31 de agosto de 2014

SAMR and TPACK models for Education Technology

Hi everyone!

In this opportunity, I would like to intruduce two important models SAMR and TPACK to include technology in the classroom. We learnt about these models in ECO II when we created presentations and I have to confess it was a bit confussing at first. But you can find a lot of information on websites or watch many videos on youtube to have a clear idea of what these models are used for.
For example, here you have two of the videos I selected for SAMR and TPACK explanations. The first video is made of by students and the second is uploaded by Candence M.

As you have seen, the videos are easy to follow and they give you a general idea of what these models are created for.
As I said before, SAMR and TPACK models can be hard to understand at first, but I consider these models to be valuable because they can help us introduce technology in our lessons without forgetting that we are teaching a language, and therefore, we must take into account the way in which we should teach and how technology will help or collaborate in learning a language.
If you want to learn more, visit these articles

See you!

4 comentarios:

  1. Hi Anto! You know, at first I also found it difficult to understand SAMR, but once I did I realized how important the two models are. I think both of them are crucial if we want to introduce technology in our classrooms since, as you wrote, we should never forget we are teaching a language and the best way to do it. Besides, our learners are digital natives and they may get bored if we use technology just to enhance our teaching. We should transform it!

  2. You are right Solange! We definitely need to adapt our lessons to digital natives students and introducing technology following these models is a useful way to do it! Thanks for your comment!

  3. I agree with both of you, Sol and Anto! I think that most of us agree because we can see that technologies give us many possibilities to enhance our lessons and give them a twist, not just use them without a reason.

  4. That's the most important function Agustina! Thanks!
