viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2014

The importance of Blended Learning.

Hi everyone! 

Nowadays, we are getting used to hear about this new term in the field of learning and teaching... but What is Blended Learning? Let's just say it's the mixture between online and in-person learning experiences when teaching students. Students might attend a class taught by a teacher in a traditional classroom setting or independently completing online tasks and working at home, both experiences would parallel and complememt each other. 
Here I attach a short video showing some important aspects of Blended Learning, of course, there are many others, always taking into account the context in which we are teaching. 

During this year, we have learnt a lot about including technology in the classroom, and the benefits we can find for our students' learning. Blended Learning goes beyond all we have seen and a key factor of this kind of learning is 'collaborative work', since teachers can ask students to do some research about a certain topic at home and then share it online or during the lesson, promoting interaction among peers to accomplish specific purposes. 

I strongly recommend teachers to do some research on this new field of teaching and generate online activities for students to complete at home. You can post your opinions about B-learning below. 

See you!! 

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